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UX/UI Designer



Summary / Solution 🌱

The goal of this project was to create a concept that solves current hospital issues by digitalize their processes and sharing between nurses and doctors in a digital way. I designed and created some screens and discussed them with some people working in hositals to see their reaction and getting their feedback

  • Creating a concept for a tablet and mobile based intranet

  • Exploring the way how data can be collected and shared

  • Giving patients and nurses the opportunity to plan meetings inside the hospital

Copyright disclaimer: The copyright remains to the respective owners of this project!


UX/UI Designer



Summary / Solution 🌱

The goal of this project was to create a concept that solves current hospital issues by digitalize their processes and sharing between nurses and doctors in a digital way. I designed and created some screens and discussed them with some people working in hositals to see their reaction and getting their feedback

  • Creating a concept for a tablet and mobile based intranet

  • Exploring the way how data can be collected and shared

  • Giving patients and nurses the opportunity to plan meetings inside the hospital

Copyright disclaimer: The copyright remains to the respective owners of this project!


UX/UI Designer



Summary / Solution 🌱

The goal of this project was to create a concept that solves current hospital issues by digitalize their processes and sharing between nurses and doctors in a digital way. I designed and created some screens and discussed them with some people working in hositals to see their reaction and getting their feedback

  • Creating a concept for a tablet and mobile based intranet

  • Exploring the way how data can be collected and shared

  • Giving patients and nurses the opportunity to plan meetings inside the hospital

Copyright disclaimer: The copyright remains to the respective owners of this project!

The Problem

Currently, hospital staff work more in the traditional way with paper and notes to share updates and information about the patient. This can lead to patients being treated too late within the hospital or data about the patient not being shared efficiently.

The Problem

Currently, hospital staff work more in the traditional way with paper and notes to share updates and information about the patient. This can lead to patients being treated too late within the hospital or data about the patient not being shared efficiently.

The Problem

Currently, hospital staff work more in the traditional way with paper and notes to share updates and information about the patient. This can lead to patients being treated too late within the hospital or data about the patient not being shared efficiently.

Deep dive into the solutions

Talking to hospital staff

It started just as an idea in my mind, because I was watching a documentary about hospitals in Germany as especially doing the upcoming COVID time. The leads me into the direction to actually use my connections to talk to staffs working in hospitals

Identifying user needs 🔥

Before I even started to design or create anything, I started to interview 5 people working in hospitals to get to know more about their needs. The user interviews happend within a time frame of around 1 month due to some time shifts because staff in hospitals don't had often time for the interviews. This pushed me back in my plan to start with the actual design process.

Analysing their answers 🚥

After the interviews, I identified two main categories - user wishes and user fears, bot are very relevant and important. One of the biggest concerns by the potencial users was the general data protection and cybersecurity of the data, also related to the staff who are using the app, but they are not allowed to see specific patient data. When it comes to wishes, the users where looking forward to have better and quicker communication between each other as well as making quicker reactions to emergency treatments.

The findings 🔎

It seems, that this concept found a valid possible user base to extent and even replace the current way of working in the hospitals. Even with the concerns of the user about data protection, which will most likely be solved technicially is it a good first direction.

Talking to hospital staff

It started just as an idea in my mind, because I was watching a documentary about hospitals in Germany as especially doing the upcoming COVID time. The leads me into the direction to actually use my connections to talk to staffs working in hospitals

Identifying user needs 🔥

Before I even started to design or create anything, I started to interview 5 people working in hospitals to get to know more about their needs. The user interviews happend within a time frame of around 1 month due to some time shifts because staff in hospitals don't had often time for the interviews. This pushed me back in my plan to start with the actual design process.

Analysing their answers 🚥

After the interviews, I identified two main categories - user wishes and user fears, bot are very relevant and important. One of the biggest concerns by the potencial users was the general data protection and cybersecurity of the data, also related to the staff who are using the app, but they are not allowed to see specific patient data. When it comes to wishes, the users where looking forward to have better and quicker communication between each other as well as making quicker reactions to emergency treatments.

The findings 🔎

It seems, that this concept found a valid possible user base to extent and even replace the current way of working in the hospitals. Even with the concerns of the user about data protection, which will most likely be solved technicially is it a good first direction.

Talking to hospital staff

It started just as an idea in my mind, because I was watching a documentary about hospitals in Germany as especially doing the upcoming COVID time. The leads me into the direction to actually use my connections to talk to staffs working in hospitals

Identifying user needs 🔥

Before I even started to design or create anything, I started to interview 5 people working in hospitals to get to know more about their needs. The user interviews happend within a time frame of around 1 month due to some time shifts because staff in hospitals don't had often time for the interviews. This pushed me back in my plan to start with the actual design process.

Analysing their answers 🚥

After the interviews, I identified two main categories - user wishes and user fears, bot are very relevant and important. One of the biggest concerns by the potencial users was the general data protection and cybersecurity of the data, also related to the staff who are using the app, but they are not allowed to see specific patient data. When it comes to wishes, the users where looking forward to have better and quicker communication between each other as well as making quicker reactions to emergency treatments.

The findings 🔎

It seems, that this concept found a valid possible user base to extent and even replace the current way of working in the hospitals. Even with the concerns of the user about data protection, which will most likely be solved technicially is it a good first direction.

User personas based on research

The concept creation phase

When we look into the daily work of hospital staff did I found out that they mostly are on the way to a destination inside the hospital and less directly or only at their desks. This behaviour had big impact on the concept itself.

Basic features first

Based on the interviews, there where 3 main featured needed for the concept. 1. Patient data -> Here the staff can review the current state of a patient, plan appointments, review patient files and see the status of the patient 2. Messaging -> It should be possible to talk to colleaques via writing a simple message or via voice mail to make sure they can communicate with each other to exchange information about patients. 3. Colleaque overview -> The staff should be able to search and find doctors, physicians and other stakeholder is they are missing information or need more clearity.

Mobile and tablet responsiveness is required

Due to the big walking activity of hospital staffs was it key to start with a tablet first approach and strategy and afterwards design the mobile/app view of the app. Desktop screen had the at least priority for me as they are less required and mostly just a good to have.

The concept creation phase

When we look into the daily work of hospital staff did I found out that they mostly are on the way to a destination inside the hospital and less directly or only at their desks. This behaviour had big impact on the concept itself.

Basic features first

Based on the interviews, there where 3 main featured needed for the concept. 1. Patient data -> Here the staff can review the current state of a patient, plan appointments, review patient files and see the status of the patient 2. Messaging -> It should be possible to talk to colleaques via writing a simple message or via voice mail to make sure they can communicate with each other to exchange information about patients. 3. Colleaque overview -> The staff should be able to search and find doctors, physicians and other stakeholder is they are missing information or need more clearity.

Mobile and tablet responsiveness is required

Due to the big walking activity of hospital staffs was it key to start with a tablet first approach and strategy and afterwards design the mobile/app view of the app. Desktop screen had the at least priority for me as they are less required and mostly just a good to have.

The concept creation phase

When we look into the daily work of hospital staff did I found out that they mostly are on the way to a destination inside the hospital and less directly or only at their desks. This behaviour had big impact on the concept itself.

Basic features first

Based on the interviews, there where 3 main featured needed for the concept. 1. Patient data -> Here the staff can review the current state of a patient, plan appointments, review patient files and see the status of the patient 2. Messaging -> It should be possible to talk to colleaques via writing a simple message or via voice mail to make sure they can communicate with each other to exchange information about patients. 3. Colleaque overview -> The staff should be able to search and find doctors, physicians and other stakeholder is they are missing information or need more clearity.

Mobile and tablet responsiveness is required

Due to the big walking activity of hospital staffs was it key to start with a tablet first approach and strategy and afterwards design the mobile/app view of the app. Desktop screen had the at least priority for me as they are less required and mostly just a good to have.

Revision of the UI

Doing the process, I did a lot of revision and tests along the way, I tested new sturctures and also new colours to fit more to the environment of the a hospital.

Changing the colour palette 🎨

After asking some of my previous connections, they told me that they don't like the colours as much because it felt to saturated and to bright as well. They also had issues reading the content properly. Because of this feedback, I changed the colour palette to a more colder and less saturated and bright tone.

Adding more screens 📢

I also started to add more screen to the concept, for example: 1. Event page 2. Patient treatment checklist 3. Colleaque overview page 4. Messager center 5. A bigger view of patient appointments

Conclusion 💎

There is a greater demand or interest in an internal hospital intranet that improves collaboration and communication within the hospital. Nevertheless, it was a very complex project, I realize that I have only scratched the tip of the iceberg so far and that much more could be done. Not only to build more screens and flows, but to conduct many more interviews and user tests to find the best possible solution. In addition, I have not included the technical aspect in my concept and this could lead to complications. At the same time, I should have conducted a lot more interviews before I went straight into the concept phase. I have more than taken this into account in my subsequent projects.

Revision of the UI

Doing the process, I did a lot of revision and tests along the way, I tested new sturctures and also new colours to fit more to the environment of the a hospital.

Changing the colour palette 🎨

After asking some of my previous connections, they told me that they don't like the colours as much because it felt to saturated and to bright as well. They also had issues reading the content properly. Because of this feedback, I changed the colour palette to a more colder and less saturated and bright tone.

Adding more screens 📢

I also started to add more screen to the concept, for example: 1. Event page 2. Patient treatment checklist 3. Colleaque overview page 4. Messager center 5. A bigger view of patient appointments

Conclusion 💎

There is a greater demand or interest in an internal hospital intranet that improves collaboration and communication within the hospital. Nevertheless, it was a very complex project, I realize that I have only scratched the tip of the iceberg so far and that much more could be done. Not only to build more screens and flows, but to conduct many more interviews and user tests to find the best possible solution. In addition, I have not included the technical aspect in my concept and this could lead to complications. At the same time, I should have conducted a lot more interviews before I went straight into the concept phase. I have more than taken this into account in my subsequent projects.

Revision of the UI

Doing the process, I did a lot of revision and tests along the way, I tested new sturctures and also new colours to fit more to the environment of the a hospital.

Changing the colour palette 🎨

After asking some of my previous connections, they told me that they don't like the colours as much because it felt to saturated and to bright as well. They also had issues reading the content properly. Because of this feedback, I changed the colour palette to a more colder and less saturated and bright tone.

Adding more screens 📢

I also started to add more screen to the concept, for example: 1. Event page 2. Patient treatment checklist 3. Colleaque overview page 4. Messager center 5. A bigger view of patient appointments

Conclusion 💎

There is a greater demand or interest in an internal hospital intranet that improves collaboration and communication within the hospital. Nevertheless, it was a very complex project, I realize that I have only scratched the tip of the iceberg so far and that much more could be done. Not only to build more screens and flows, but to conduct many more interviews and user tests to find the best possible solution. In addition, I have not included the technical aspect in my concept and this could lead to complications. At the same time, I should have conducted a lot more interviews before I went straight into the concept phase. I have more than taken this into account in my subsequent projects.


UX Research

UX Testing

Interaction and UI Design