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Summary / Solution 🌱

I got hired by BCN Visuals to work on several 3D billboard campaigns. The work includes the creation of concept art for lighting and proportion to storyboards as well as digital matte paintings for the final frames. I want to show you some of my highlight projects from the past 1.5 years since I started collaborating with BCN visuals:

  • Nisson Arya Camoaign displayed at the NEW YORK TIME SQUARE

  • Advertising the Warner Super Mario World

  • Super-Man 2 video game campaign showed on around 15 displays around the world.

  • Telling stories on the Meta Quest 3 campaign

Copyright disclaimer: The copyright remains to the respective owners of this project!


Concept Artist & Digital Matte Painter


Between May 2022 & November 2023


Write here


Summary / Solution 🌱

I got hired by BCN Visuals to work on several 3D billboard campaigns. The work includes the creation of concept art for lighting and proportion to storyboards as well as digital matte paintings for the final frames. I want to show you some of my highlight projects from the past 1.5 years since I started collaborating with BCN visuals:

  • Nisson Arya Camoaign displayed at the NEW YORK TIME SQUARE

  • Advertising the Warner Super Mario World

  • Super-Man 2 video game campaign showed on around 15 displays around the world.

  • Telling stories on the Meta Quest 3 campaign

Copyright disclaimer: The copyright remains to the respective owners of this project!


Concept Artist & Digital Matte Painter


Between May 2022 & November 2023


Write here


Summary / Solution 🌱

I got hired by BCN Visuals to work on several 3D billboard campaigns. The work includes the creation of concept art for lighting and proportion to storyboards as well as digital matte paintings for the final frames. I want to show you some of my highlight projects from the past 1.5 years since I started collaborating with BCN visuals:

  • Nisson Arya Camoaign displayed at the NEW YORK TIME SQUARE

  • Advertising the Warner Super Mario World

  • Super-Man 2 video game campaign showed on around 15 displays around the world.

  • Telling stories on the Meta Quest 3 campaign

Copyright disclaimer: The copyright remains to the respective owners of this project!


Concept Artist & Digital Matte Painter


Between May 2022 & November 2023


Write here

Deep dive into the solutions

Nissan Arya Campaign

This campaign was an important one for Nissan, as they wanted to reveal their new fully electric car to potential customers as big as possible. For that, they choose two big billboards in New York to get their attention.

For this campaign, I was mainly responsible for creating the storyboards and concepts for the campaign. With me, I had 2 more concept artists and 1 art director in the team.

Nissan Arya Campaign

This campaign was an important one for Nissan, as they wanted to reveal their new fully electric car to potential customers as big as possible. For that, they choose two big billboards in New York to get their attention.

For this campaign, I was mainly responsible for creating the storyboards and concepts for the campaign. With me, I had 2 more concept artists and 1 art director in the team.

Nissan Arya Campaign

This campaign was an important one for Nissan, as they wanted to reveal their new fully electric car to potential customers as big as possible. For that, they choose two big billboards in New York to get their attention.

For this campaign, I was mainly responsible for creating the storyboards and concepts for the campaign. With me, I had 2 more concept artists and 1 art director in the team.


The storyboard defined which angles and also which scenario we wanted to work with. It also supported us to decide if we want include FX to the final product. The images above are one of the first storyboards I created to the fine the angles and transitions between the different areas we needed to include into the campaign.

This is an explanation for the art director and 3D department the show them how the camera should when the car passes the railing on the street. this should support the story to get a better transition.

Later on, we decided with another solution for the final result and animation.

Concept Arts

The concepts defined the lighting and colors of the later created 3D scenes. I used a mixture of 3D and 2D to get the perfect lighting and also be more flexible with the perspective of the car.

Final result

Super Mario World

The next campain was for the release of the new Super Nintendo World in the USA which was celebrated with a big billboard campaign at the New York Time Square

Super Mario World

The next campain was for the release of the new Super Nintendo World in the USA which was celebrated with a big billboard campaign at the New York Time Square

Super Mario World

The next campain was for the release of the new Super Nintendo World in the USA which was celebrated with a big billboard campaign at the New York Time Square

Concept Arts

Similar to the techniques above did I used a similar technique which is a combindation of 3D and overparnting. I got some reference images from the park as well as the 3D models from BCN which then I used to create the concept art. The goal was to define the lighting and colours for the final renders and animation for this campaign.

Final result

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 videogame campaign

This was one of my biggest campaign for BCN. The add was shown in different countries on the biggest screens on the planet, from New York Time Square to London and Las Vegas.

For this one I had to support BCN by creating some destruction DMP work for the frame when the characters breaking trough the screen. The goal was that is feels as natural as possible and believable as possibe.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 videogame campaign

This was one of my biggest campaign for BCN. The add was shown in different countries on the biggest screens on the planet, from New York Time Square to London and Las Vegas.

For this one I had to support BCN by creating some destruction DMP work for the frame when the characters breaking trough the screen. The goal was that is feels as natural as possible and believable as possibe.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 videogame campaign

This was one of my biggest campaign for BCN. The add was shown in different countries on the biggest screens on the planet, from New York Time Square to London and Las Vegas.

For this one I had to support BCN by creating some destruction DMP work for the frame when the characters breaking trough the screen. The goal was that is feels as natural as possible and believable as possibe.

Final result

META Quest 3

The META Quest 3 release campaign was a another fun capaign where I had to design 2 section of the full compaign which was a Stranger Things topic and ...

META Quest 3

The META Quest 3 release campaign was a another fun capaign where I had to design 2 section of the full compaign which was a Stranger Things topic and ...

META Quest 3

The META Quest 3 release campaign was a another fun capaign where I had to design 2 section of the full compaign which was a Stranger Things topic and ...

Concept Arts

The concepts defined the lighting and colors of the later created 3D scenes. I used a mixture of 3D and 2D to get the perfect lighting and also be more flexible with the perspective of the car.

Final result

Cadillac Escalade 2023

Cadillac had the plan to capture the whole Time Square in New York including the smaller screens on the screens which should start to reveal the new Cadillac all at the same time. This was a massive project for BCN to work as this included several screens from small to the big one.

Cadillac Escalade 2023

Cadillac had the plan to capture the whole Time Square in New York including the smaller screens on the screens which should start to reveal the new Cadillac all at the same time. This was a massive project for BCN to work as this included several screens from small to the big one.

Cadillac Escalade 2023

Cadillac had the plan to capture the whole Time Square in New York including the smaller screens on the screens which should start to reveal the new Cadillac all at the same time. This was a massive project for BCN to work as this included several screens from small to the big one.

Main Screen Concept Arts

I created some concepts with different angles and backgrounds based on the Cadillac moodboards we got. The look and feel should be very similar to the one they already use in their marketing campaigns to remain a consistant experience for the customers who know the brand already.

Small Billboard Concept Arts

Here I creaded some concepts for smaller billboards that also will be used to show the release of the new Cadillac.


The SIXT campaign was my first project with BCN and it was a blast. It opened my experience in the field of 3D billboards by getting the first experience in the area of this kind of storytelling. I had to design for two screens in NEW YORK that got captured for this campain. Both screens run their adds at the same time here both of them telling the story of the new BMW i7 that can be rented from now on. As we know SIXT, it has to be bold again and stand out.


The SIXT campaign was my first project with BCN and it was a blast. It opened my experience in the field of 3D billboards by getting the first experience in the area of this kind of storytelling. I had to design for two screens in NEW YORK that got captured for this campain. Both screens run their adds at the same time here both of them telling the story of the new BMW i7 that can be rented from now on. As we know SIXT, it has to be bold again and stand out.


The SIXT campaign was my first project with BCN and it was a blast. It opened my experience in the field of 3D billboards by getting the first experience in the area of this kind of storytelling. I had to design for two screens in NEW YORK that got captured for this campain. Both screens run their adds at the same time here both of them telling the story of the new BMW i7 that can be rented from now on. As we know SIXT, it has to be bold again and stand out.

Concept Arts

Final Font Design Versions